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A Fond Farewell

A momentous occasion for Bweeng N.S.

Today the children lined the school yard waiting for a very important pupil to arrive- Evelyn Murphy.

Evelyn has been a pupil at our school for the past four years. She has lit up the school with her sense of humour and mischievous personality. She is an asset to Ms. Heffernan’s second class and much loved by all her classmates for her gentle manner and happy demeanour. It is with mixed emotions that we celebrate her departure from our school. In Evelyn’s own words she is “going to big school in Cork in September”

The pupils and staff wish her the very best in her new school. We are pleased to see her progress. In equal measure we are a little sad as we will miss her greatly. She will be missed by all in the school and most especially by Ms. Hunter, her SNA, Ms Heffernan, her class teacher , Ms O Hanlon who has supported her so well all year and Ms. Buckley who taught her from Infants to First Class. To mark the occasion Evelyn’s family organised an ice cream van to visit the school this morning. We were all happily eating ice-cream cones at 9.30 today.

A big thank you to Caroline, Denis, Cormac, Ciara, Evelyn and Fiona for this generous act.

What a lovely way to start the school day.

Happy Christmas

We would like to wish you all a safe, happy and peaceful Christmas. It has certainly been a term to remember, but we value all of your support and efforts in keeping our school a safe and happy place for all of the children.

We hope 2021 will bring better things for us all.


Santa Visit

There was fierce excitement today when Santa stopped by to see the children before he makes his final preparations for Christmas Eve.

He was delighted to tell us that all of the boys and girls are on his good list and he left us all a little treat.

Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you so much for your fantastic support on our recent Christmas Jumper / Hat day.

We were delighted to raise €576 for the Cork City Children's Hospital Fund. Well done everyone!


School Pergola

With the extra demand for space this year so that we could continue some of our teaching activities in a safe way, Mark has built a pergola to the rear of the school.

This has given us extra space to be able to continue literacy groups and classroom breaks, even on wet days. 

We have painted the pergola with an undercoat and we are currently looking at ideas for murals to decorate our new watch this space as the transformation continues.

Communion Class of 2020

Congratulations to all of the boys and girls who finally got to celebrate their First Holy Communion Day. It has been a long wait for them all and it was lovely to see the sun shining down on them on their special day.

We hope that you all had a lovely day celebrating with family.


Happy Holidays


School Calender 2020 - 2021

Wishing all of our pupils and parents a safe and happy summer break.

Looking forward to welcoming you all back in school on Thursday 27th of August.

Please find attached the holiday list for the coming year.


A welcome slideshow for our new Junior Infants 2020

Purchase of School Uniforms

Dear Parents,

We trust that you are all keeping safe and well.

Please find attached information regarding purchase of school uniforms from Buckley's Schoolwear.

The Class of 2020

Well done to all the sixth class who graduated last night.  When looking at the PowerPoint click 'Slideshow' then click 'From Beginning'. This will go through all the slideshow with music playing. 

Congratulations again and enjoy the summer. 

Internet Safety Talk


A parent information evening will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday the 10th of April. Our guest speaker, Ger Brick, has many years of experience in the area and he will be providing parents with practical non- technical information and guidance for keeping your children and families safe online.

As children of all ages have access to online content and different types of social media, parents of pupils from all classes are asked to attend.

Animal Farm

The children were delighted with a visit from Larry the lamb recently. Larry was named by the children; who fed him throughout the day between visits to all of the classrooms and having to partake in some of the PE lessons.

We also hatched some chicks in an incubator and two of the them came to visit the children. They have been suitably named Sunny and Brownie to match their colouring.

Dear 2nd class,

                       This is a little note to let you all know that we the staff in Bweeng N.S are all thinking of you today. It is very disappointing that we cannot celebrate your Communion today but as you know it is important for us all to stay safe. You will have your day and it will be extra special. We are all very proud of you. You are a wonderful group of children.  So today make us one promise, that you will be happy and continue to smile because after every storm there is a rainbow. 

                                                                                                                     Stay safe and well,

                                                                                                                  Staff of Bweeng N.S.

  (Press play for music)



Green Flag Award

We received great news this week as the school has been awarded its fifth Green Flag Award for our work in the area of Biodiversity.

Congratulations to all of the children and teachers who worked so hard over the past number of years to achieve this latest flag for the school. Well done everyone!

We look forward to celebrating in style!

Green Flag Award

We received great news this week as the school has been awarded its fifth Green Flag Award for our work in the area of Biodiversity.

Congratulations to all of the children and teachers who worked so hard over the past number of years to achieve this latest flag for the school. Well done everyone!

We look forward to celebrating in style!

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Congratulations to all of the boys and girls who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation in St. Columba's Church, Bweeng last night. A big thank you to Miss Heffernan who has worked so hard in preparing the children for the sacrament.

Football Training

Thank you to Pat, who has spent the last two weeks with our Junior and Senior Infant Classes. The children really enjoyed the new games and the chance to take part in some basic football skills.

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